Monday, December 11, 2006

Give The Gift

This is the season...the season for giving. A time of love and good cheer. How many of those gifts will still be valid a month from now? A year? Beyond the tangible items like stereos and electronics for the kiddies (even the big kids) and dollar items you get for relatives many of us get caught up in the quick gifts of chocolates, or food items that, while nice, don't really have a lasting value.

How about something that will give for months? If there's someone on your list that you might otherwise give a gift certificate to, or maybe a little goody basket, what about making a charitable donation in their name? Something that will give that warm cozy feeling while beneifiting many others at the same time?

Breast Cancer 3 day has a great thing going. Make a donation to a team of walkers and you will be making a donation that gives in a much more significant way than spreading the bottoms of your loved ones.

Even if you don't do it in someone else's name, consider the benefits of giving something back and do it for yourself.

To find out about one such wonderful team click here

Or go here to the 3 day organization directly to find out what it's all about, and how you can join a team of your own.

Make a difference and give something back along the way!

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